Why i am sad, that i am not the one to make u happy?
Why my heart is so filled with love?
why is it that I miss you, still I am Happy?
Why I want you & at the same time I want what you want?
Why is it the more I want to hate you, the emore I love you?
Why is it that I have million questions & all of them answered at the same time?
Is it what you call a TRUE LOVE, an eternal one!
posted by Sandip at 7:02 AM
Adieu !
i am retiring...
from the retiredment.
i am getting up...
from a deep sleep.
i am now rising...
from death bed.
No looking back...
from acute angles.
No nostalgic feeling...
from old albums.
No running anymore...
from own fears.
A new begining.. .. ..
Open sky beckons you.. .. ..
Grow beyond imagination.. .. ..
Grab it all, hands widespread.. .. ..
No stopping here onwards.. .. ..
No limits, no barriers,
no fear, no shame.. .. ..
"Have faith!" be brave.. .. ..
Say Hello to come whatever.. .. ..
Say bye to gone might whatever.. .. ..
Stay ahead, stay together.. .. ..
what, If not now? forever.. .. ..
posted by Sandip at 6:59 AM
Ek Poem:
Don't dig my grave Oh Dear!
When i am not there.
Just plant a seed. that will bloom to flowers,
to tell you my story!
Nourish the plant with care,
as it is my desire,
that shall soar to the sky, see the sunlight,
provide shadow to others!
When i am not here,
i would want to be everywhere,
In every dream, every prayer,
every action, every heart!
o! Never miss me,
or i will miss you too.
Never weep over my thoughts,
for i will cry too!
I am what you are,
i am doing what you are, so do what i want to.
I want smiles, i want peace,
i want all the Good for all!
posted by Sandip at 6:57 AM